Round The Island Race Start Time Announced

The date and start time for next year’s Round the Island Race has been announced.

It’s up with the sunrise for those taking part in the iconic sailing event, with a start time of 5am on Saturday 19th June.

Round The Island RaceLea Bennett, Club Secretary for the Island Sailing Club points out, “Whilst the tides on the day are indeed dictating a very early start, it also means that the majority of competitors will hopefully cross the finish line earlier in the day and, with luck and a following wind, be able to enjoy rather more of the shore side hospitality that’s on offer in the J.P. Morgan Asset Management Race Village in Cowes Yacht Haven and with us at the Island Sailing Club.”

If you haven’t bought your 2010 diary yet, pop this somewhere safe to ensure you don’t miss this world class sailing event.

Image: Patrick Eden

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5, February 2018 3:11 pm

How many months has this ‘commissioning phase’ been happening? The prow chains had already been noted as looking too weak for the prows. Then there is still the larger unresolved issue of this floating bridge being at least 50% heavier than the last floating bridge, yet it is still using the same size, cheap Chinese chains as the last floating bridge. Where is the Safety Case, IW… Read more »

6, February 2018 4:08 pm

So we are told what happened (a prow chain broke) but we are not told why. Isn’t this a rather important omission? When will be be told?

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