Southern Water road closed at the graben

Route 3 bus unable to serve Upper Ventnor due to parked cars during graben road closure (updated)

Last updated:

At 8am on Monday 24th June, just after the road closure of the graben for major sewer repairs by Southern Water, all was eerily quiet at the junction of Ocean View Road and Gills Cliff Road.

Half an hour later, the situation was pretty similar, with a few vehicles passing up and down the two roads – not the gridlock and mayhem that was anticipated by some.

However, there have been other complications in relation to start of the two-week the road closure and diversions.

Parked cars lead to service changes
The Southern Vectis Route 3 bus was due to still serve Upper Ventnor, turn around in Downlands Crescent and drive back towards Wroxall to continue its journey either to Newport or Ryde.

By 10am this morning that service could only go as far as Wroxall due to a number of parked cars in the Lowtherville roads the bus was to turn around in.

Residents have commented on social media that road cones had not been placed in the no-parking areas, leading to cars being left there. Not surprisingly, many would say!

Parking on Gills Cliff Road
Gills Cliff Road is also subject parking restrictions from today for the next two weeks.

However, when we were there this morning, there was no sign of any road cones and plenty of cars were parked along the road.

When will Route 3 return?
OnTheWight has contacted Southern Vectis for details of when the Route 3 might return to Upper Ventnor, but if you recognise any of the cars blocking the bus from being able to turn, let the owners know.

Richard Tyldsley from Southern Vectis has told OnTheWight that Southern Water’s contractors were supposed to be put the road cones out to allow buses to turn and this afternoon have done so, so the Route 3 service should resume to Upper Ventnor today.

Lower Gills Cliff Road
A small section of Lower Gills Cliff Road remains closed due to potential rockfall from the cliff face by the traffic lights (St Alban’s Steps).

Island Roads and the Isle of Wight council say there is still risk of more rockfall following the first signs of it in February 2024. A specialist design is being worked up to contain the rockface, but work has not began still and Island Roads told OnTheWight a month ago that it wouldn’t be completed in time for the graben works.

We’ve asked Island Roads again today for details of a timeline of when the work will be carried out to the rockface to allow the road to be reopened. We’ll let you know when that comes in.

Article edit
5pm 24th Jun 2024 – Update about road cones and Route 3 returning added