Post office sign

Totland Post Office saved by joint funding from Totland Parish Council and Island Community Ventures Ltd (updated)

Last updated:

Community Action Isle of Wight is happy to confirm that agreement has been reached with Royal Mail to continue to pick up from Totland Post Office which means that the service delivered through its trading arm Island Community Ventures Ltd, will now be able to continue. 

The additional costs incurred will be shared between Island Community Ventures Ltd and Totland Parish Council, which has agreed to continue and increase its support for this key local service, as evidenced by the fact that 375 people had signed a local petition requesting the maintenance of the service. 

Seely: Lots going on in the background to get to this point
Welcoming the news Isle of Wight Conservative MP, Bob Seely, said,

“This is great news for Totland and other West Wight residents.

“A lot of work has been going on in the background to get to this point and I would like to thank Totland Parish Council and Mike Bulpitt at Community Action Isle of Wight for their commitment to keeping the service going.”

Collections will be made between 12pm and 12.30pm Monday to Friday so any post/parcels needing to be sent would need to be at the Totland branch before 12 noon.

Article edit
8am 25th Apr 2024 – Headline amended to avoid confusion between IW council and the Parish council

News shared by Mike on behalf of Community Action Isle of Wight. Ed

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