Book now to hear rural economy experts from New Economics Foundation

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This in from Andrew Turner‘s office, in their own words. Ed

Experts from the New Economics Foundation are to visit the Island in a few weeks time for an open discussion with business owners, particularly from the small and medium sized sector.

The meeting will take place at the Riverside Centre, Newport on 27th September, starting at 11am.

Island must not miss out on growth
The initiative is the brainchild of the Island’s MP, Andrew Turner:

“There are encouraging signs that the UK economy is returning to growth; the Island must not miss out. I want to make sure that our small businesses, so vital to job creation, particularly for our youngsters, are given support by me and other local politicians. I have therefore invited leading experts on the special problems and opportunities faced by rural economies like the Island to share their knowledge and experience with us. I would like to invite interested business leaders and others to come along.

“I see this as the start of a major initiative to help our small business community to grow and invest as the economy recovers. The New Economics Foundation has a first class reputation for creative thinking and innovative solutions – the Island also has a history of that. For my part, I am keen to think about and discuss different ways in which the Government and other players can support and encourage a peripheral economy off the coast of England.”

Discussions and success stories
The experts from the New Economics Foundation will lead discussions and share success stories on how other rural areas have taken initiatives to secure private investment and grown their local economies.

Book your place
Although attendance at the meeting will be free, places will be limited and priority will be given to those who have registered their attendance in advance.

The meeting will be followed by a lunch for which a small charge will be made.

Places (with or without lunch) can be booked by calling Andrew Turner’s office on 530808 or by e-mail to [email protected].

Listen to our interview with former Policy Director of the New Economics Foundation, Andrew Simms who is now chief analyst at Global Witness, a fellow of the New Economics Foundation, and the author of Ecological Debt, Tescopoly and Eminent Corporations.

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