Ryde residents without weekend water

Large parts of Ryde were without water yesterday (Sunday) after Southern Water engineers spent most of the day tackling a burst water main.

Social media networks were awash with residents discussing the lack of water, expressing their anger at having to buy bottled water.

By 6pm on Sunday, Southern Water told On The Wight, “we expect to have water back on for all customers later this evening and we apologise for the disruption to their supplies.”

Residents reported the return of water at around 8pm, although many complained the water was a muddy-brown with very low pressure.

Image: Steven Depolo under CC BY 2.0

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7, February 2012 1:43 pm

who ownes it?

Reply to  russell
7, February 2012 1:55 pm

Nick Spiker owns it. He also owns The Sandown and The Sandringham all on the same roundabout into Sandown, the once stunning 1930’s Grand Hotel on the sea front by Browns Golf course and I think also the 1930’s derelict Royal York Hotel in Ryde.

Reply to  Spud
7, February 2012 1:57 pm

ok thank you

Reply to  Spud
7, February 2012 2:09 pm

He also owns The Albion hotel in Freshwater, Calvert’s in Newport and Swainston Manor

Reply to  Spud
8, February 2012 7:39 pm

Interesting….How many bets it’s the Royal York Hotel in Ryde next then?!

Mr T.
7, February 2012 2:20 pm

Arson? [part of comment removed by moderator] wouldnt have fitted on the board!

7, February 2012 6:12 pm

Not Arson , NO way , understand people thinking this
but Mr.Spiker is a very very well to do person indeed, an im sure he was very upset about the fire.

7, February 2012 10:34 pm

If he was ‘well t do’ he should have spent some money on it rather than let it rot year after year – im sure he’d devastated by the prospect of it being demolished…

bored at home
8, February 2012 9:35 am

It’s entirely possible that a fire could be started deliberately by someone who has no connection whatsoever with Mr Spiker though…. Note the uses of the words “possible” and “could”. Someone sleeping rough in the Hotel maybe? Of course, that’s mere speculation. It’s quite probable that many more hotels in Sandown will end up this way, sadly.(Derelict I mean, not burnt out.) I know of several who… Read more »

8, February 2012 1:32 pm

Part of the problem arises from the IWC not carrying out the duty they have to ensure that listed buildings are maintained in the state they were when fist listed. I don’t know about the others, but the Royal York is grade II listed and is just being left to rot.

9, February 2012 8:10 pm

It was Mr Spikers intention to concrentate on this building next. He is a decent man, from a good family and they are going through all their properties making them better. Dont comment on someone you dont know.

Reply to  Marcus
16, February 2012 6:10 pm

I hear he owns the old Zanies disco site as well?
Well that has been derelict for over 20 years and a total eyesore right next to the pier. If he is so intent on doing things with these places why has that been left for so long eh eh? We need people who care about how Sandown looks and want to attract tourism not discourage it.

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