Plants and trees in Vernon Square
© Vernon Square

Ryde’s Vernon Square garden party: a celebration with history and horticulture

Ryde’s popular Vernon Square, described by gardening guru Mike Fitt OBE as a “special place”, will hold its Summer Garden Party on Saturday 13th July from 2pm.

There will be delicious home-made cakes, strawberries and cream, and performances by some of the best local musicians, including Vectis Brass, The RUG Band and singer Steve Love.

Saved from development by campaigners
Once derelict and under threat by developers, the land was rescued by local campaigners, who turned it into the thriving garden it is today.

The Square was officially opened by the late environmentalist David Bellamy in 1989.

Fitt: Gates are open during the day for all
Mike Fitt, former Director of Parks for the London Royal Parks, who now lives in Ryde and is a volunteer at the square said,

“We are very lucky. This lovely Georgian square dates from the 1830s. In those days only local residents had a key to the square gardens, whereas today the gates are open during the day for all.”

A band of volunteers
The Square is cared for entirely by volunteers, and relies on events, such as the summer party, to finance upkeep and improvements.

Mike Fitt in Vernon Square

Mike thanked all the volunteers, including those who open and close the gates.

Wonderful range of plants
He pointed out a number of wonderful plants in the garden, including a stinking hellebore which is said to smell like roast beef, an “amazing” 30-year-old Persian Ironwood, and the Butcher’s Broom plant, used by bygone butchers to scrape their blocks.

The lawn is home to a colony of mining bees.

A fascinating history
The garden has a fascinating history. Before the area’s housing was built, the land now occupied by Vernon Square was a base for medieval ropemakers.

The party will include a raffle and wine, prosecco and Pimms, tea and coffee. Entrance is £2, or free for members.

Find out more via the Vernon Square website.

News shared by Peter, in his own words. Ed