Safe Landing for Charity Skydivers

Remember the story about VB reader Sue Anderson, who was planning to do a sky dive for charity? Well we hear that she did it this weekend, here’s what Sue told us yesterday. Ed

Charity Skydive for Pastors SuccessfulOur skydive was a great success as we (Mat and Suzanne) took to the skies on Saturday at Salisbury Old Sarum Airfield.

We skydived 10000 ft- 5000 without a parachute and 5000 with – it was an incredible thing to do and I personally was extremely nervous!

With a fear of heights it wasn’t the easiest challenge to take on but God is my strength and we did it!

We raised just over £1,000 for the album to be made – the proceeds which will go to Isle of Wight Street Pastors and aid to the Balkans.

Thank you everyone who supported us and if you’d still like to donate please send to

Mrs S Anderson. 86 Church Rd, Wootton Bridge. Isle of Wight.

Thank you – and thank you Ventnor Blog!

Image: divemasterking2000 under CC BY 2.0