Sandown High School A-Level Results

Here’s the results from Sandown High School Website – Ed.

Exam resultsPost 16 Results 2010 :

Congratulations To All Students

We are pleased to report improvements in all areas.

70% of all grades are between A* and C at A2.

15% of all grades are either an A* or A at A2.

The overall pass rate is 98%.

Early indications are that the majority of students have secured their university/ training places.

Outstanding personal successes
There have been many outstanding personal successes in both Years 12 and 13. These include :

Liam Thorton and Andy Thorpe in Sports Sciences ( 3 As )
Louis Harper-Lockyer ( A* + 2 As )

Cal Russell-Thompson ( 2 A*s + A )
Rachel Graham ( A*+ 2As ) – off to Oxford University
Dan Wells ( 2A*s + 2As) – off to Cambridge University

Image: paulsynnott under CC BY 2.0