Sandown & Shanklin Inshore Lifeboat Rescues Unmanned Catamaran

Thanks to Mark for this update on their activities this weekend. Ed

Logo of Sandown & Shanklin Inshore LifeboatOn Sunday the 30th January 2011 at 09.30, the Sandown and Shanklin Independent Lifeboat was tasked by the Solent Coastguard that a Sailing Catamaran with no one on board was making its way to France from Shanklin and could we rescue it as it was a shipping hazard.

The Owner was bringing the vessel into shore when a wave hit it and threw him off in the shallows of the shoreline.

It spun the catamaran around and made its own way back out to sea under its own sail.

We could see the catamaran from our station and went after it. After 3.5 miles from where it left the shore we found it and were able to capture it at speed.

We dropped its sail and put it on to a tow line, we took it back to our station where the lucky owner was very happy to see it again.

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