School Reforms: Chale Recommended To Close Still

It looks like the views of the 2,000 people who signed a petition to protest at the proposed closure of Chale Primary School are not being heeded.

School Reforms: Chale Recommended To Close StillDespite 24 people writing to the council – one of the highest set of responses – and the Church of England changing their previously-immovable position of closing the school to one of supporting federation, the IWC officers are still recommending to councillors that they close Chale primary school.

In the word of the IWC officer’s recommendations …

Chale CE VC Primary School
Representation received: 24
Whilst representation in respect of Chale CE VC Primary School has been extensive it has not addressed the fundamental long term viability of the school.
Recommendation: Implement the statutory notice for closure.
(appendix G, p9)

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