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School taking purposeful action to improve, say Ofsted

Ofsted have this morning published their latest inspection report for Medina College.

The secondary school was found to taking action to move from ‘Requires Improvement’ to ‘Good’.

Following a visit to the College in October, the inspector said,

“You are taking purposeful action to tackle the areas for improvement. 2015 GCSE examination results do not show an upturn from 2014, although have yet to be finalised after appeals to examination boards. The school action plan has clear objectives linked to the right priorities. The plan sets out helpful measures of success, and leaders frequently review progress and adapt actions appropriately.

“As a result, the drive to become a good school is maintained effectively.”

Thousands of new books
The library being restocked with thousands of new books was noted as giving students access to a wider variety of reading material, and they are using the library more

During the inspector’s visit,

“Students were engaged and focused on their work. However, exclusion rates remain too high. Leaders and governors are aware of the need to address this and plans are in place to provide an alternative to sending students home for less serious incidents of unacceptable behaviour.”

The report
For full details, see the report embedded below. Click on the full screen icon to see larger version.

Medina College Ofsted Report

Image: striatic under CC BY 2.0

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