Schools Competition: Where’s The Information On Bidders?

Wendy Varley got some positive results from the Web team at the IWC today. Surprised to hear down to what level the Island’s chief executive has to be involved with signing off though. Ed

Schools Competition: Where's The Information On Bidders?Friends have said to me over the summer holidays that they can’t find any information about the competition to run Isle of Wight schools (five secondaries and two amalgamated primaries) on the council Website.

With the deadlines for public comments coming up on 7th and 21st August, that is quite worrying.

The information was buried on the Eduwight pages, and hard to find even if you knew what you were looking for.

I emailed the council’s Website editor this morning, using the online form, and within a few hours a link to the page listing competition bidders had been added to the council homepage.

Apparently it had to be sanctioned by the Chief Executive Steve Beynon, but everyone agreed it was a good idea.

Thanks for the prompt response Isle of Wight Council!

So for anyone who wants information on the schools competition bidders, information is on the council’s Website

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