
Sea Scouts row around the Wight

Thanks to Capt Simon Merritt for sharing news of this challenge. He tells us more in his own words. Ed

Update: The sea scouts completed their task and we’ll have a full report later in the week.

Today I will be leading a group of 32 youngsters and 12 leaders from 2nd Coes (St. Mary’s) Sea Scouts on a sponsored row around the Isle of Wight.

We depart Cowes at 09.15 to a single cannon being fired at the RYS and will row off towards The Needles.

We expect to arrive at Ventnor at 18.00 where we will camp for the night.

Onwards from Sunday morning
Sunday morning we will depart Ventnor for Cowes with an expected completion time of 1400.

We currently have approx £8,000 in sponsorship, all money raised going towards major renovations of our hall and group funds to offer more youngsters exciting and challenging activities.

Good luck everyone!

Image: Informatique under CC BY 2.0