Seat-Gate: Possible Source Of The Leak

Since yesterday, a lead has come up as to where the leak of the information to ThWART might have originated.

Seat-Gate: Possible Source Of The LeakWe’ve learnt that IW councillors were sent an email on Monday that told them the date and time of the planning meeting and where it would be held – Carrisbrooke High School – “owing to the large amount of interest in this item.”

ThWART sent out the email with these details on Wednesday afternoon.

We spoke to IW Council earlier today and they assured us that none of the council staff had any intention of giving an advantage to either the supporters or those opposing.

What could have happened
With a planning application as controversial as this, it would have made more sense to have released the information publicly to the Island’s residents as soon as the council had realised that ThWART had themselves distributed the leaked information.

Not doing this made the playing field uneven for all of those that wanted to attend the wind turbine planning meeting.

image: psd under CC BY 2.0

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