Shanklin Voluntary Youth & Community Centre Awarded Green Flag

Thanks to Richard for sharing this good news with VB readers. Ed

Green Flag Award:Shanklin Voluntary Youth & Community Centre is (one) of a record number of 1,424 UK sites receiving a Green Flag Award this week – the national award for public and community parks and green spaces.

The record number of sites receiving an award this year ensures that even more of us now have access to well-managed, high-quality green spaces so important for health and leisure activities.

Shanklin VYCC is also home to the Shanklin Green Town Initiative, and together they have maintained the Youth Centre site, Shanklin Library and Railway Station, as well as developing other facilities around the Town.

Shanklin VYCC Co-leader Richard Priest said, “We are delighted to receive this award, and it recognises the hard work and effort of the volunteers at the Centre; and we hope develop new projects, such as a butterfly meadow, in the near future.”

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