MQ Club entrance

Share your memories of the Medway Queen for 50th anniversary

Thanks to Richard Halton from the Medway Queen Preservation Society for sharing this with OnTheWight readers. Ed

2016 sees the 50th anniversary of the well-loved Medway Queen Club that operated near Newport in the 1960s and early ‘70s.

As many readers will know the old ship is now the subject of a restoration project and the society responsible for that is looking to commemorate the anniversary on the Isle of Wight.

This is likely to include photographic and memorabilia displays at venues around the island and the publication of a book recalling and celebrating people’s memories of the Medway Queen Club.

Exhibition space needed
For the first, the society is seeking space at appropriate tourist attractions where some wall space can be made available for a display.

It is hoped to link the displays for promotional purposes and to make Medway Queen publications available to the public through those venues.

Your memories for a book
For the proposed book, material from people who remember the club is urgently wanted. Much is already available from the society’s archives, from the PSPS Collection and from material that came in subsequent to publication of “The Medway Queen” in 2013.

Richard Halton, who also wrote that earlier book, is amassing material for this new publication but more would be welcome. We have heard from visitors to the club and ex-employees but more is needed. We even have one or two wedding reception pictures.

Get in touch
If you have any memories or photographs of the club during its active years please get in touch. Recollection of special events, artists appearing, amusing incidents and so on would really help.

In either case Richard can be contacted by email at [email protected] or by phone in the evenings on 0118 961 4292. Any help that you can give will be very much appreciated and we hope to meet many or you in person when we visit the island.