Shopping Trolley, 27 hours and counting ….

As the third Shopping Trolley Event draws closer, I took a stroll down to town to have a chat with one of its curators, Raff, to find out what’s in store for Sunday night.

social vampire, RaffRaff along with Hannah Ray and Lucy Wells have managed to create an event that pulls together artists from all over the island.

There are around 30 pieces of 2d art expected, and if the previous event is anything to go by, wet paintings may be arriving at the last minute. So long as space can be found, anything goes. Jared (Planck), Ben Francis, Bob and Dan, Q8, and Percy (from 1234 Records and ppq clothes) will all be creating audio heaven for our ears.

Expect choreography from Rosalind Noctor and a fashion show from Emma Levine. Don’t miss Ergophizmiz, who’ll be doing two sets at the event, one with Heather on flute and The Monorex Collective will be running a live painting installation.

shopping trolleyFilm maker, John Cattle will be filming the event and footage will be played back at the Shopping Trolley Exhibition, being held from Monday in the Michael West Gallery for the following two weeks.

With so much going on at the same time, it’s going to be hard to catch everything, so the key will be to keep moving around the galleries.

The success of Shopping Trolley comes from its looseness, says Raff. The curators facilitate, but the beauty comes from the artist’s input.

It’s sure to be a popular event, but the doors close after the 250th person, so to avoid being turned away, make sure you arrive early.

Shopping Trolley, Quay Arts Centre, Sunday 16th October, 7pm, £2 entry

Quay Arts Website