Snow on the Wight: 1.Dec.2010: Constant Updates (ud 17)

Last updated: 14.48pm Wednesday

You’ve probably noticed that there’s been a snow fall over night on the Isle of Wight.

Snow on the Wight: 1.Dec.2010: Constant UpdatesVentnorBlog will be keeping a tab on travel and schools around the Island as soon as we find out, keeping this story updated with the latest as we hear it.

Do let us know, what you’ve find out to and we’ll get the info out to the Island.

All schools reported as open
8.03am The Council has been in touch to say no reported problems with roads or schools. Some roads are icy so be careful out there

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Southern Vectis
9:40 Route 3 disrupted running times due to inclement weather

9.30: SCHOOL BUSES: All school buses ran except 318, 320 & 406. Also, 211, 316 & 405 did NOT serve the Undercliff

7.30 Bus driver said main routes have been gritted. Journey from Ryde not too bad at all. Little bit between Shanklin and Ventnor, over the downs.

7.28 SCHOOL BUSES In rural areas we ask where possible parents REMAIN WITH their children at bus stops until buses have arrived

7.23 SCHOOL BUSES are operating. However, please allow for later running especially those operating thru Ventnor/Niton/Whitwell

7.20 All bus routes are operating but please be prepared for delays as the morning passes. Route 6 likely to be worst affected

Please note that both Route 31 and Route 23 are now operating as normal.

Route 31 – Will not be serving St Lawrence or Bonchurch Shute, however it will continue to serve Bonchurch Village
Route 23 – Not serving Merrie Gardens in Shanklin

Island line
All Island Line services are currently running as normal and there are no reported delays due to the snow.

All running smoothly – normal service.

All sailings are currently running to their advertised timetables

Red Funnel
No issues to report at the moment

6:54am: Kev Pocock tells us that “Roads fine – main route Ryde to cowes. Starting to cover back roads slowly.

Image: akkku under CC BY 2.0