map of affected area
© Environment Agency

Some Carisbrooke properties expected to flood: Environment Agency issues updated flood alert

As predicted more flood alerts from the Environment Agency are coming in now (Thursday).

The latest is for Carisbrooke, Hunny Hill and Newport Quay Arts Centre on the Lukely Brook. Issued at 4.42pm it reads:

The water level in the Lukely Brook is high and rising. In the last 4 hours, heavy rain has been recorded at Carisbrooke (22mm). This is a large volume in a short period of time.

From 17:30 this evening (04/01/2024), property at the bottom of Castle Street will flood from rising river levels and surface water flowing down the road.

The Aquatics Centre at Vicarage Walk near Foxes Road will also flood. Water levels will be very high at Caesars Road and Old Westminster Lane, and the river could come out of bank flooding roads and parked cars.

Most of the rain has now cleared the area which means that water levels will begin to fall later this evening by 20:00.

Our operational contractors will be out in the area to keep the river free of blockages. We continue to monitor the forecast. If you have it, please install flood protection now.

You can stay up to date with the flood warning by visiting the EA website.