Repair work at Clarence Road

Some relief to East Cowes gridlock coming later today

Some relief coming today to East Cowes gridlock.

East Cowes residents and anyone needing to get in and out of the town – including all traffic departing or arriving on the Red Funnel ferry – have had a heck of a week, with traffic often at a standstill over the last two days.

Good news is at hand. One of the issues that has been the cherry on the top of the roadworks cake should be coming to an end later today (Friday).

Repair work at Clarence Road
Repair work at Clarence Road

Southern Water have been carrying out repair work on Clarence Road after a water main blew, causing the road to close. 

(Clarence is the road on the left, just before the zebra crossing) as you drive down the hill towards the Red Funnel terminal).

Lorry of Asphalt
Lorry of asphalt arriving

The good news is that Southern Water have completed their repairs and the road surfacing material is now on site and is in the process of being laid.

Repair work at Clarence Road
Works almost complete

Once the road surface has set, cars should be able to use it again late today – a welcome relief for those travelling in / out of East Cowes / Red Funnel tomorrow.

Southern Water told News OnTheWight in a statement, 

“We are sorry for the disruption caused by temporary traffic management in Clarence Road, which was put in place yesterday as we worked on a burst pipe that feeds a property. 

“This repair was completed yesterday, however, the reinstatement of the road by our contractors had to wait until delivery of tarmac – which is due today around lunchtime. We wish to assure everyone that work to reinstate the road as soon as possible is the priority.”

Repairs on Clarence Road

Island Roads: Apologise for any inconvenience
A spokesperson for Island Roads told News OnTheWight,

“We have also been in regular contact with Red Funnel. They are working hard to help marshal ferry traffic, advise customers of rescheduled sailings and to resolve the issues that have seen a ship temporarily removed from service.

“As regards the York Avenue improvement work, we have completed the reconstruction phase and last night, despite the poor weather, began the resurfacing phase. We will continue this work tonight and will make every effort to complete the scheme on schedule. However the physical laying of the new surface does require favourable conditions so we are, in this respect, at the mercy of the weather. We will of course keep residents informed of progress.

“We do appreciate this work has caused local disruption, particularly so due to the unforeseeable events of the past 24 hours. We would, again, like to apologise for any inconvenience and are sincerely grateful to the local community for its support and understanding. We would also like to thank Red Funnel and Southern Water for their co-operation.”