homeless bedding under steps

Soup Kitchen plan to get five homeless people off streets: How you can help

Trevor Blaney from the Isle of Wight Pop Up Soup Kitchen has this weekend put out an appeal for help from Islanders.

He says he has teamed up with a private landlord to try and get at least five people off the streets in the next month.

The plan
Posted on Facebook over the weekend, Trev says,

“Our Soup Kitchen has teamed up with a landlord, and five rooms in a comfortable house have been made available.

“We’re hoping to get people off the streets next month and into accommodation with support and professional help.

“Items will be needed – single Beds with good condition mattresses, will be a priority.

“The rooms need furnishing – carpeting and decorating starts immediately. If ever there was a time I need help and cash donations it’s now (make Paypal donation to [email protected]).

“You pretty much know what am like, I want it done yesterday and to a good standard.

“Thank you all who help and contribute, help us if you are able.”

How you can help
If you want to help, the best idea would be to pop over to the Facebook Page and get in touch that way. Trevor will be able to advise what is needed. The list previously has included towels, bedding, mattresses, kitchen utensils, etc.

Alternatively you can contact Trevor through the Pop Up Soup Kitchen Website.

If you can spare it, you could make a Paypal donation via the home page of their Website.

Image: alanstanton under CC BY 2.0

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