Dog on a boat in the sunshine wearing sunglasses by josh rakower
Image: josh rakower under CC BY 2.0

South East prepares for peak heat: Tips to stay cool and safe

A Yellow Heat Health alert has been issued for this week by the UK health Security Agency and the Met Office.

The Isle of Wight is included in the alert as part of the South East (SE), but according to the Met Office, temperatures are not expected to exceed around 27 degrees Celsius.

Whilst many Islanders will enjoy the warmer weather, for those who are vulnerable it’s important to stay cool.

Impact on health and social care sector
The official Yellow Alert wording for the South East reads:

Minor impacts are expected across the health and social care sector, including: increased use of health care services by the vulnerable population; increase in risk of mortality amongst vulnerable individuals and increased potential for indoor environments to become very warm.

SE should retain the relative warmth the longest
The Met Office say,

While the heat will likely peak on Wednesday and Thursday, temperatures will gradually decline into the weekend, though the southeast should retain the relative warmth the longest.

Visit the Met Office Website to see what the temperatures are likely to be in your area — they do vary for coastal and inland locations.

Stay cool and hydrated
Help to protect the vulnerable people that you know including older people, those with underlying conditions and those who live alone; they may need support to keep cool and hydrated.

For more advice see the NHS Website.