Has Island Roads really reopened Undercliff Drive? Confusion over suggested diversion route (updated)
4, February 2008·1 min readVentnor Angling Society Raise Cash For Haylands FarmLast November, the club hosted the 22 hour open competition to help raise funds for Haylands Farm in Ryde....
13, August 2007·1 min readDanny Vokins: Shark Catcher PodcastQuite an achievement for Danny. A Podcast with Danny Volkins, Isle of Wight resident , about his adventures catching sharks off the Island.
7, August 2007·1 min readGiant Shark Hauled Near St CatherinesDanny Vokins landed a whopping 500lb Thresher Shark this weekend off the Isle of Wight.
25, November 2006·1 min readSomething Fishy Going On In VentnorVentnor Angling Club are holding a 22 hour charity open competition with a first prize of £300 Starts 6pm Saturday...