St Francis courtyard:

St Francis Primary School taking effective action Ofsted say

St Francis Primary School in Ventnor last week received Ofsted’s latest update on their performance.

The visit was the first monitoring inspection since the school was judged to ‘require improvement’ following the section 5 inspection in September 2013.

The letter to Headteacher, Angela Hewkin, states,

Senior leaders and governors are taking effective action to tackle the areas requiring improvement identified at the recent section 5 inspection.

The school should take further action to broaden the range of strategies for monitoring the quality of teaching to include regular scrutiny of pupils’ work, discussions with pupils, focused observations of lessons and analysis of pupils’ progress.

Some of the highlights from the inspection findings include,

  • The headteacher and deputy headteacher have concentrated on improving the quality of teaching.
  • Teachers have been able to observe one another teach
  • There are signs that teachers are taking the training on board and trying different approaches.
  • Ofsted saw some interesting activities in English and mathematics lessons that were clearly engaging the pupils.
  • Pupils were showing a good degree of independence in several lessons.
  • Middle leaders have benefited from training on data and are more involved in checking pupils’ progress in classes other than their own.
  • Governors play a strong part in the school’s improvement, keeping in close touch with developments, particularly those relating to the areas for improvement from the inspection.

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