St Mary’s Not Included In Today’s Worrying Elderly CQC Report

Many will have heard and been concerned at this morning’s disturbing reports of the treatment of the elderly in some hospitals across the UK.

CQC logoThe summary – around one hundred hospitals were inspected, some of the findings weren’t great, with twenty being in breach of the law. There were even cases of Doctors having to prescribe water to ensure that patients gained sufficient levels of fluids.

First thing this morning VB contacted the Quality Care Commission (CQC), who carried out the inspections, trying to find out if St Mary’s had been covered.

Separate St Mary’s Report Due
It turns out that the Island’s hospital wasn’t inspected for this report, but there have been reports that St Mary’s was inspected by the CQC very recently.

The CQC tells VB that reports on regular inspections should be out in a few weeks.

Queen Alexandra Hospital in report
The closest the CQC did get to the Island in today’s report was Queen Alexandra Hospital in Portsmouth.

Given how horrific some of the other hospitals were, they did well with the summary being, “We found that Queen Alexandra Hospital was meeting both of the essential standards we reviewed but to maintain this we suggested some improvements were made.”

You can read the whole report yourself.

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