Painting of The Needles by Francis Salveson

Stunning oil painting of The Needles part of ‘The Joys of Being British’ exhibition

A stunning oil painting of The Needles, the famous group of rocks located just off the Isle of Wight, has been selected as one of 100 works to be displayed at an upcoming art exhibition at Mall Galleries in London. The exhibition will run from 13th to 18th March.

National pride, identity, wildlife and countryside
Themed “The Joys of Being British”, the exhibition will showcase paintings by professional artist Francis Salvesen and will explore themes of national pride, identity, wildlife and countryside.

Speaking about the exhibition, Francis said,

“There’s so much about Britain to feel joyous about. I thought it about time we celebrate them!”

What else to expect
Along with the painting of The Needles, visitors to the exhibition can also expect to see paintings of an NHS nurse, traditional British customs like playing conkers and cheese-rolling, native wildlife, and even a portrait of the Princess of Wales.

Salvesen: A truly unforgettable image
Explaining why he chose to include the painting of The Needles in the exhibition, Francis said,

“The Needles is one of the most photographed groups of rocks in the world. This view of three distinctive chalk stacks features in all the classic views of the Island and is a truly unforgettable image.

“The Needles creates not just a stunning view, but is also an important landmark, which has played a major role in the Round the Island Yacht Race. With this combination of beauty and importance, it would seem absurd not to include The Needles in an exhibition all about the joys of Britain.”

Where and when
The Joys of Being British exhibition will be open from 10am to 5pm from Monday 13th to Saturday 18th March at Mall Galleries in London.

Admission is free for all. The Mall Galleries, The Mall, London, SW1

Image: © Francis Salveson