cars submerged at rise of river due to extraordinary rainfall and river bursting its banks

Tackling climate change: Greening Campaign extends reach to Isle of Wight residents

The Greening Campaign, an exciting initiative which helps towns and villages tackle climate change, has a mission of Greening the Country, Community by Community and after successfully engaging groups in Hampshire they are inviting communities across the Isle of Wight to sign up.

Free online Information Event
Island residents who want to make a positive difference and tackle climate change are invited to attend a free online Information Event (11th June at 7pm) to find out more about how the Lottery-funded campaign can support them.

Tackling climate change
The Greening Campaign has been awarded National Lottery funding to provide a team of experts to help 20 communities in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight to tackle climate change.

Guided by those experts, residents have already begun to take measures to reduce energy use, explore health impacts related to climate change, prevent waste, promote more biodiversity in gardens and green spaces, and grow their own food.

Plowright: Communities are already achieving quite remarkable things
Terena Plowright, founder of the Greening Campaign, said,

“When we opened the programme, we were looking to work with 20 communities, and we have been amazed at the interest and take-up from right across the county.

“Communities have really come together and are already achieving quite remarkable things.

“We have been able to extend the number of places available so I would ask anyone interested in taking part to get in touch as soon as possible.”

The Greening Campaign has teamed up with Hampshire County Council, the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust, and the sustainable gardening charity Garden Organic, to bring a supported programme to residents in Hampshire.

These partners are working alongside the Greening Campaign and the communities, using their expertise to help residents come together and change behaviour in their community.

Work evaluated by University
To showcase the success of the projects The University of Southampton is monitoring and evaluating the work achieved.

Over the last 15 years, the Greening Campaign has already worked with over 200 communities and so brings all that knowledge and experience to communities through personal mentoring and support packs, along with the expert partners, and the results have been exciting and motivating.

Book your free place
If you would like to find out more contact the Greening Campaign on [email protected] to ask questions or go to the website where you will find information about the free events.

News shared by Heather on behalf of the Greening Campaign. Ed