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Teachers’ Union shares deep concern over academy merger plans

Neil Richards, National Executive Member for Teachers’ Union, NASUWT shares this latest news. Ed

The NASUWT, the Teachers’ Union, is deeply concerned at the Academies Enterprise Trust (AET) announcement to merge Sandown Bay Academy with Ryde Academy.

Neil Richards, National Executive Member for NASUWT, said,

“This announcement appears to be ill-conceived and made without little educational rationale.

“The merger and potential closure of Sandown Bay Academy will have a profound effect on the educational provision for pupils on the Island and we support parents in opposing these plans.

“This is purely a financially-driven decision without any thought for the hard-working teachers and staff at Sandown Bay Academy and the effect a merger will have on their jobs and working conditions if this plan is successful.

“AET’s response shows a clear message from that the profit driven forces are now more important than teachers’ jobs and children’s education.

“We will continue support parents groups and work with other Unions on the Island in opposition to this plan whilst maintaining our own position in representing our members fully in opposing this merger and supporting them through this very stressful and difficult time.”

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