The Big Knit 2010 Is Underway: Can You Help?

Calling all knitters on the Isle of Wight. Read on for news of a campaign by Age Concern. Ed

The Big Knit 2010 Is UnderwayThis is the first year that Age Concern Isle of Wight has participated in The Big Knit – a fundraising event to support the charity in its work to support older, vulnerable people who need support to keep warm and well this winter. And, we haven’t been shy in setting ourselves a target to be reckoned with – 10,000 hats!

This is where we need your help because for every be-hatted smoothie sold in their stores from 3rd November, innocent and Sainsbury’s will give 25p to help fund winter warmth projects.

The Big Knit is a really good way of using your knitting skills to help local people in later life keep warm this winter. Knitters can contact Age Concern Isle of Wight to get a simple hat pattern and if you don’t fancy making a hat yourself, wool and needles can be donated to us.

The hats are a great way to raise funds for what is a serious issue for many people in later life.

For more information on The Big Knit contact Kay Lunn at Age Concern Isle of Wight on 01983 525282.

To donate wool or needles, or to send in the hats you knit to raise funds locally, please contact the Age Concern Isle of Wight office to arrange collection or send your completed hats to Age Concern Isle of Wight at 14 Pyle Street, Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 1JW.