The Silly Olympics

Following on from the success of the recent Car Treasure Hunt at the Ventnor Rugby and Football Club, coming up the weekend after next sees the arrival of the ‘Silly Olympics’.

The Silly OlympicsThe club tells us that they have a variety of events for all the family to take part in.

The ‘silly’ events confirmed to date are – Three-legged race, Wheelbarrow race, Egg and Spoon race, Backwards Running Relay, Sack Race, Plank Walking, Egg Throwing, Penalty/Place Kicks, Welly boot throwing, Space Hopper Obstacle Course and Tug of War.

As the title says, these are the ‘Silly’ Olympics so expect surprises through out the day.

The club are also urging punters to enter in to the spirit of the day and arrive in fancy dress (not compulsory).

If you reckon you can put together a team for the Olympics then get in touch on the contact details at the bottom.

It’s hoped that there’ll be Bacon and Sausage Baps for sale in the morning and then the BBQ starting at about 12ish. The bar will be open all day.

will be held on the 26th July at Ventnor rugby club.

Teams can register from 10.30am with the first events starting at 11am.

Get in touch with Zoe ([email protected] pr 07769 693425) to let her know if you’re planning to attend do she can get some ideas of what’s needed for the catering.

Image: superbomba

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