The Women’s Institute Launch Libraries Petition

The Women’s Insitute has launched an e-petition in support of saving libraries across the country that are threatened with closure.

The Love Your Libraries campaign believes that ‘libraries are facing a disproportionate level of cuts, with 20% of libraries in England alone under threat’.

They hope their petition will send a message to to Department for Culture, Media and Sport that libraries are vital for communities and should be retained.

The wording of the petition reads …

I, the undersigned, believe that libraries are an essential local educational and information resource yet with many libraries under threat, the future of the library service is at risk. I want to see the value of libraries recognised at both local and national levels and I am calling on the Government to honour both its commitment to act as a champion of the library service, and its duty of oversight to ensure that a comprehensive and efficient library service is provided.

If you’d like to sign the e-petition, head to the E-petitions Website.