Youth groups, organisations, and promising young sports stars on the Isle of Wight who may want financial support to help fulfil their visions are being given the chance to apply for grants. From 1 April, the 2008 round of funding from the Youth Opportunities Fund becomes available.

An exciting array of youth led projects have snapped up all of the Isle of Wight’s allocation of the Youth Opportunity and Youth Capital Fund over the last two years. Over 80 projects and almost 3000 young people have benefited from the annual funding scheme, which is supported by Isle of Wight Council. In total, almost £170,000 was handed out in 2007.

Managed and distributed by a panel of young people, the funds have made a real difference all over the Island. Previous grants have helped benefit young athletes with training and travel to major national and international competitions. A number of youth music groups were able to purchase new equipment and offer new opportunities.

Some exciting long term projects have also been supported with the Youth Capital Fund. These include the Freshwater Multi Use Games Area (MUGA), Ventnor Skate Park, Sandown Sea Scouts, and Shanklin Voluntary Youth Centre’s new Healthy Living Zone.

Youth Opportunities Fund Coordinator Matthew Bell said “The Youth Opportunity and Youth Capital Fund create real opportunities for young people. They have also enabled young people on the Isle of Wight to access new experiences, equipment, training and facilities. The funds have empowered young people to really make a positive contribution to their peers and communities.”

Isle of Wight Council Cabinet Member for Children and Young People Cllr Alan Wells said “The Youth Opportunity Fund is a wonderful scheme that makes a huge difference to the lives of young people and the groups or organisations they are involved in. Some of our most promising sports stars wouldn’t have been able to compete in major competitions without the financial help the fund offers. Similarly, projects such as the Freshwater MUGA came to fruition with the help it received from the grant. This is a great scheme and one I am only too happy to support.

People aged 13-19 (up to 25 with additional needs), youth groups and organisations are being invited to send in applications for grants ranging from £500 up to £10,000 from 1 April. For more information, applicants should contact Matthew Bell on (01983) 529790 or email [email protected]