Just how resilient is the Island to Oil Shortages? Do you grow your own Vegetables? Do your commute to the Mainland? Are you concerned about Climate Change and Peak Oil? Do you Recycle? How many cars does your family have?
All of the above and more will be discussed at the TRANSITION ISLAND INITIATIVE LAUNCH tomorrow night.
Have your say. Ask questions. Help prepare the Island for the Peak Oil changes.
Documentary Film Show: “The Power of Community” records how Cuba coped when it was forced into an artificial ‘Peak Oil’ situation when Russia stopped exporting oil to them.
As well as the film showing, there’ll be an open space discussion: Collect questions, ideas, offers of help, ideas from other places”¦ begin a process of preparation.
Go along and meet other like minded people who care about what happens to our environment and communities.
Thanks to Debby for pointing out that I’d forgotten to say where the event was being held. It is at the Riverside Centre in Newport. Starts at 7pm. [image courtesy of Elva Frederking – Oil Refinery, Edmonton,c.1954]