Trinity Road Bus Shelters: Positive Update

Some great news came out of the Ventnor Town Council last night with regard to the Trinity Road bus shelters.

Ventnor Bus Shelters

As you may remember the issue of the bus shelters was raised on the VentnorBlog forum last year, since then the item was picked up and action was kick started for a project to repair and smarten up the bus shelters.

So far an amazing £1600 has been raised and this is broken down as £250 from Southern Vectis, £500 from the Safer Neighbourhoods, £250 from Ventnor Enhancement and £600 from the Ventnor Town Council.

This amount will be used for materials along with volunteers time to spruce up said shelters.

The plans is to replace roofs, install new waste bins, fit new lighting and surround the shelters with new planting.

It is hoped that the refurbed bus shelters will be ready in time for Easter and should make a great impression on visitors to the town.

Congratulations to everyone involved and well done to all those who have put their hands in their pockets or are offering their manpower.