Electricity Meter

UK energy price cap rises to £1,717 for typical households from October

Today (1st October) brings with it changes to the Energy Price Cap.

The regulator Ofgem reports that from 1st October to 31st December the price for energy for a typical household, who use electricity and gas and pay by Direct Debit, will go up to £1,717 per year.

This is an increase of 10 per cent and adds around £12 per month to an average bill.

Love: Don’t forget to record and report your energy readings today
Councillor Karl Love, the ward councillor for East Cowes and Chairman of Isle of Wight council told OnTheWight,

“I want to make sure that our Island residents are aware and particularly those who are on low incomes of the price changes kicking in today.

“Don’t forget to record and report your energy readings today.

“This is because some new higher energy rates are coming into operation today and you don’t want to be paying more for your energy than you have to.”

Love: We need to support each other as the winter draws in
The council chairman went on to add,

“This price increase is a blow to people on low incomes and we need to support each other as the winter draws in.  Cold homes puts people health at risk, so stay warm by heating well the room you use the most.

“Read your metres today and remind others please,  if you have not already done so in the last few days.  Then report your readings ASAP to your energy provider to ensure you are up-to-date.”

You can find out more about the Energy Price Cap over on Ofgem’s website.