UKIP Isle of Wight announce election manifesto

In the run-up to the Isle of Wight local election on 2nd May, OnTheWight will be publishing election manifestos for all parties with candidates standing for county council seats.

This in from Rose Lynden-Bell on behalf of the UKIP Isle of Wight. Ed

The UKIP Isle of Wight have launched their most formidable campaign yet, with the majority of seats having a UKIP candidate.

UKIP Rosette:Recently UKIP have been beating the three old parties in Westminster by-elections across the country. In local politics the number of UKIP councillors continues to rise, with by-election victories and defections from all parties.

In need of change
The Island is in need of a change of direction. Only by voting for a party that has new ideas and a common sense approach will we all get what we need. A vote for one of the failed old parties is exactly that: a failed vote.

The same old faces have dominated for far too long. They are responsible for the poor standard of the roads, the mismanagement of education, endless battles over wind turbines, massive house building and the lack of investment in jobs and industry. Until now there has not been a party that would listen to these common concerns.

So what is different about UKIP? For a start, we actually believe in localism. We want binding local referendums on local issues so that the people can decide. UKIP councillors operate differently too. We have a full manifesto, but UKIP councillors do not have a party whip. They are free to represent the views of those who elect them.

Local issues
UKIP are ready for the massive task ahead. Times are hard but there is another way. We can afford facilities like toilets and tourist information centres; there are ways to pay for them.

We can protect our green spaces from houses and turbines if we have the will. Roads can be improved cost effectively.

We can have good schools and social services if we do the right things.

On May 2nd, do the right thing, don’t fail your vote, vote UKIP.

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