Has Island Roads really reopened Undercliff Drive? Confusion over suggested diversion route (updated)
9, December 2009·2 min readHave Your Say on Changes to Taxi FaresLet the IWC know how you feel about the proposed changes to Taxi fares.
7, September 2009·1 min readX-Directory Play The FalconX-Directory are playing back at the Falcon again next week. Their favourite venue.
5, September 2009·1 min readBestival 09: Newchurch Male Voice Choir Take to Main StageNewchurch Male Voice Choir join the likes of Kraftwerk and Massive Attack next weekend at Bestival.
15, May 2009·1 min readGuy Barker: Can You Talk About How You Worked With Anthony Minghella On Music For The Films? (video)This last video gives an insight into how important music was to Anthony Minghella and how he integrated it into films.
20, April 2009·1 min readMoazzam Begg Comes To The ApolloBritish citizen, Moazzam Begg who was held in Guantanamo Bay comes to Newport to speak of his experiences in Guantanamo....
11, March 2009·1 min readMinghella Movie Marathon: BFI Animation WorkshopThere are still a handful of places left on the free animation workshop taking place this Saturday at Quay Arts....
4, March 2009·1 min readX-Directory Live: A Short Stagger HomeX-DIRECTORY play classic anthems from PUNK and the NEW WAVE era. AND they play from the heart. The setlist features...
13, February 2009·1 min readIt’s The Thought That Counts! Credit Crunch Valentines Ideas Pt. 4We reach the end of Rosemary Hutton’s It’s The Thought That Counts! Credit Crunch Valentines Ideas series and she finishes...
13, February 2009·2 min readIt’s The Thought That Counts! Credit Crunch Valentines Ideas Pt. 3In Pt 2 of It’s The Thought That Counts! Credit Crunch Valentines Ideas, Rosemary showed us how to use food...
13, February 2009·2 min readIt’s The Thought That Counts! Credit Crunch Valentines Ideas Pt.2Rosemary continue with her credit crunch busting ideas for Valentine’s Day. It’s tomorrow folks, so if you’re the kind of...