Dig out your rollerskates for CHAMPS music video

Stiletto rollerskate

Remember that Isle of Wight band CHAMPS that we often bang on about?

We put out an appeal for them earlier in the year asking readers with swimming pools to let the musical brothers take a dive in them for their latest video.

Can you help?
The South Wight lads are about to shoot their latest music video (this coming Sunday) and are keen to get their mitts on as many pairs of roller skates as they can.

Mike and Dave Champion are hoping that OnTheWight readers will be able to search through their wardrobes, under their beds and in their broom cupboards to dig out some long lost roller skates. They’re particularly keen to get hold of vintage looking skates.

Get in touch
If you have some that you’re willing to donate or lend to the lads, please email Michael on [email protected]

You never know, your roller skates could make it into another brilliant CHAMPS video, like the swimming pool one below.

PS. If you happen to have a pair like the ones in the photo above, I want them ;-)

Image: Adrigu under CC BY 2.0

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