V-Bay Festival Present £500 To Local Charity

One weekend last October, Ventnor was hit with rotten stormy weather, but that didn’t stop the show at the V-Bay Festival.

V-Bay Festival Hand over £500 To Local CharityDespite the bad weather, lots of people came down to Ventnor to take part in many of the planned activities and a good time was had by all.

The result of the hard work was an increase in business for shops, pubs, restaurants and accommodation providers in Ventnor, as well as a vehicle for raising cash for local cancer care charity P.A.T.C.H.

This afternoon, a cheque for £500 was handed over to members of P.A.T.C.H. by the V-Bay Steering Committee.

The former Mayor of Ventnor, Chris Welsford was also presented with a print of himself at the launch of the Festival last year.

V-Bay Festival Hand over £500 To Local Charity

V-Bay 2010
This year the V-Bay Festival will be back again and they’ve already chosen their charity as the Ventnor Enhancement Fund.

Check out their website for full details of how to get involved this time round.

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