V-Bay Festival: Ventnor Business Association Send Their Thanks

Linda Chester, on behalf of the Ventnor Business Association has this thanks for all involved with the 2010 V-Bay Festival. Ed

V-Bay Steering Group Send Their ThanksWhat a great weekend! Before the dust settles I would like, through VB, to thank the V-Bay Steering Group for all the hard work and thought that they put into providing us with such a wonderful event.

Like all events of this scale, the organisers have relied heavily on the skills and goodwill of other bodies and organisations to help pull it off.

The help and expertise has been there, and freely given by many and we thank you all for that. It has been a great exercise.

Well done guys – job done!

Fantastic feedback
The feedback, so far has been fantastic. Ventnorians who “have had the time our lives” Great comments from Islanders who “haven’t been to Ventnor for years” and who will be back and from mainland visitors too who are saying the same.

The phenomenal level of publicity which was generated by this year’s

V-Bay Festival (nb. V-Bay was featured on every Solent ferry crossing in October) and together with it’s excellent website and films on Ventnor TV, will benefit the town and it’s businesses for many years to come and which particular attributes sits well with the main aims of Ventnor Business Association.

Next V-Bay Steering Group meeting
The V-Bay Steering Group will be meeting on 23 November to tie up the ends, draw the winners of the Raffle and Treasure Trail Competition and to evaluate the event.

They will be looking at what went well, what could be improved on and what can be added for NEXT YEAR! They would welcome any positive feedback that will make V-Bay 2011 even better.

So please pass on your comments. You can write to V-Bay via the VBA Secretary, Ann Hutchins, at Windsor Carlton Guest Accommodation, Alexandra Gardens, Ventnor PO33 1EE

Or online via the website.

Meanwhile”¦. a very BIG “THANK YOU” to the V-Bay Festival 2010 Steering group

Linda Chester ( Acting Chair of VBA)

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