VB Comments Get An Upgrade: Nested Comments

VB Comments Get An Upgrade: Nested CommentsIn our never ending quest to bring you a bigger and better VentnorBlog, we’ve just introduced Nested Comments.

What the heck are nested comments?
Nested Comments follow in the grand tradition of technological solutions that chose names that don’t immediately make sense in English.

We’ll try and explain.

Some stories generate a lot of comments – the current record is “Cheverton Down: Island’s First Big Wind Farm Site? (Podcast),” with 218 comments.

When there are lots of comments, there’s often a desire to comment on a particular thing someone else has said, one that you may agree or disagree with.

Up until now, we’ve had to use the @ symbol to address your comment to the author of the previous comment.

No More!

We’ve come up with a better solution (well, we hope you find it is).

For a while we’ve wanted to let you comment directly underneath another comment and then, if desired, leave another comment on that comment.

You see where the nesting comes from now? One comment nests under another.

How to use it
Simply locate the comment that you wish to reply to and click the Reply just underneath it (circled in red in the example graphic above).

VB Comments Get An Upgrade: Nested Comments

You’ll be taken to a screen that says “LEAVE A REPLY TO,” the person you’re reply to.

If the words escape you and you want to return back to the posting, just click “Click here to cancel reply,” on the line underneath.

‘Normal comments’
If you want to add a ‘normal’ comment, adding to the general discussion, you use the normal method – the input box at the bottom of the line of comments.

Nest on!
Well, now it’s up and working. It will need a bit of fine tuning to get 100% as we want it to be, but at least it’s there for you to get used to.

Have fun!

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