VB Helps Make Open Studios A Success

It was fantastic to hear that this year’s excellent Open Studios event was a huge success.

VB Helps Make Open Studio A SuccessWe’re told that the annual event attracted around 10,000 visitors to artists’ studios across the Island during two weekends in the summer.

That’s double what was achieved last year.

Arts Development Officer, Nina Cullinane, worked incredibly hard with the 97 artists in the lead up to and during the event, providing great support for them all. Many artists commented to us during the event how they wouldn’t have been able to do it without her support and also thanked us for being involved.

Advertising with VB works
We’ve been informed that the only additional advertising that the project invested in this year was with VentnorBlog and Events on the Wight.

We ran a campaign consisting of event features, display advertising and event listings for each and every artist taking part, which clearly helped make the event a success.

These featured on our main sites (VB and eOTW) as well as going out to our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Council delighted with support
In response to our campaign a spokesperson for the council told us, “Isle of Wight Council is delighted at the range of media support for this event which has enabled a great many residents and visitors to experience the talents of the arts community on the Island.”

More people through the doors also means more money spent, with a whopping £50,000+ made on sales between the 97 artists who took part.

Check out Open Studios Website and keep an eye on VB and eOTW next year for details of the 2011 Open Studio events.