Ventnor Botanic Garden: Give Your Feedback Before It’s Too Late

As VB readers will already know, the future of Ventnor Botanic Garden is uncertain in light of the Isle of Wight council’s spending review.

Ventnor Botanic Garden: Council Are Looking At Selling It OffAs soon as we broke the news back in August, that a decision on the future of the Botanic Garden was due to be made at the 12 October Cabinet Meeting, the comments have been flooding in, here on VB and also on the VB Facebook page.

Island rumour mill working overtime
We’ve heard all sorts of rumours relating to the possible disposal of the Garden from council coffers.

One report was that Cllr George Brown had insisted a fence be built around the Garden, until the estimated cost came in at just under £1,000,000. Other rumours bandying about are that it may become an entrance-fee theme park or even closed to the public completely.

But of course, these are all rumours, and cannot be verified.

Give your feedback
In light of the decision being made by Cabinet members in a couple of weeks time, the council (through the Botanic Garden Website and visitor questionnaires) are now appealing for residents to given some feedback about their use of the Garden.

We think it’s what they call ‘consulting interested parties’.

The short questionnaire asks what matters most to you about the Garden and what impact it has on your life.

There are many reasons why residents feel that the Garden should remain open to the public free of charge, one VB reader, Kayt Armstrong, was kind enough to share her reasons.

The garden is really important to me, but most importantly as the place we went as a family, to remember my little sister on her birthday once we moved to the Island. We couldn’t go up to Middlesborough where her ashes are scattered every year, so we used to go to the SANDS memorial garden instead.

It’s such a beautiful, peaceful place that is also so alive and full of kids and local families that it just felt like the right place to remember her. So many other people must have the same feelings, especially those whose relatives’ ashes are there. It needs to stay publicly owned and run!

Share your thoughts before it’s too late
There are just two weeks before a case is put to the Cabinet members to made a decision on.

If you feel strongly about the Botanic Gardens remaining as a council run amenity, make sure you give your feedback before it’s too late.

Complete the visitor questionnaire.