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Ventnor Day offers one of best places to watch Round the Island Race

Tony shares this latest news from Ventnor Town Council. Ed

Following the success of last year’s event, Ventnor Town Council is organising this year’s Ventnor Day on Saturday 1 July from 12pm to 7pm. This coincides with the Round the Island Race. The Green in Ventnor is one of the best places on the Island to watch the race.

Ventnor Day will showcase all that makes Ventnor such a unique place, celebrating its community spirit and the strength of its voluntary and community sector.

More than fifty organisations taking part
There will be music, food and art and crafts.

Local voluntary sector groups and organisations will have stalls and there will be a variety of entertainment and activities suitable for every age group and taste. Last year we had over fifty organisations participating – this year we are hoping for even more.

Town Mayor, Jason Mack said,

“Last year’s event was such a great success that we have had many requests to make Ventnor Day an annual event. We hope to build on that success and showcase what makes our Town such a great place to live in and to visit.

“We work closely through the year with our voluntary sector and our business community – this is our way of celebrating their achievements.”

Get involved
Come and join us for this celebration of life in Ventnor.

If you would like more information about this event or would like to get involved – please contact Tony McCarthy on 857848 or 07932 890679 or call Ventnor Town Council on 857840.

Follow us on Facebook at Ventnor Community Development.

ventnor day poster 2017

Image: © Lauren Fry