Ventnor Beach Gets Paid Lifeguards

blue flagBrilliant news for Ventnor as it’s confirmed that there will be paid lifeguards on the beach between May and September next year.

The good work of the Ventnor Beach Safety Group set up and arranged the training of a volunteer force at the beginning of this year.

Reversing its previous decision, the Isle of Wight Council has decided that it will be funding this one. Many point to the near-fatal accident on 9th September as the trigger for this.

Well done to local councillor Susan Scoccia, who asked the council to reconsider their previous daft decision. Many in town will agree with her when she said, “Now hopefully we can win the Blue Flag back!”

(Apologies for the delay on getting this one out on the blog. We heard about it on Sunday, but were away, without an Internet connection. Seeing it again in the Chronicle jogged our memory)

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