Ventnor hustings ended on an optimistic note for Independents


Many thanks to Ventnor resident Richard Downing for this report from last night’s hustings in Ventnor. In his own words. Ed

There was a good turnout for Ventnor’s hustings on Wednesday evening. Only the two local Independent candidates took part, even though all the others had been encouraged and invited to attend.

Chris Welsford and Steve Stubbings answered questions and raised issues of concern to them which ranged from the current education failings in secondary schools to the recent proposal to disband the Coastal Management Team.

Changes planned for decision making process
They described how an Independent Council would not have an ‘Opposition’, so all councillors would participate in decision making which would be in full Council and in committees.

This would replace the current Cabinet style of decision-making with its delegated decisions and the block-voting by the Conservative councillors.

Questions from the audience showed that some still have difficulty in understanding how a Council can make decisions without one party in control and the other councillors in opposition, but it was explained that councillors would be able to represent the interests of their wards on any issue instead of following a party whip.

The Winter Gardens
The lack of progress with the Winter Gardens development was raised by a member of the public and Steve Stubbings explained that this has not been a responsibility of the Town Council since the sale by Isle of Wight Council to Hambrough Hotel group.

He and Chris Welsford had, however, recently met with the new chef/manager, John Campbell, to express their concerns and they told the audience what would be happening and when.

Encouragement for the Independent candidates
The meeting lasted for three hours and ended on an optimistic note with encouragement for the Independent candidates and strong expressions from the audience for a change in policies and style of government.

Image: © Used with permission of Elizabeth Finnis

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