Steve Cooper

Ventnor Mayor, Steve Cooper, bids for seat on Isle of Wight council (updated)

A mayor has thrown his hat into the ring for a vacancy on the Isle of Wight council.

Steve Cooper is hoping it is third time lucky for himself and the Labour Party in the upcoming by-election for the Ventnor and St Lawrence seat.

Town councillor since 2021
Mr Cooper was chosen as Ventnor’s mayor earlier this year and has been on Ventnor Town Council since June 2021, when he was co-opted to represent the Lowtherville ward.

The by-election to fill the empty place on the Isle of Wight council was announced yesterday, Tuesday, following the resignation of Gary Peace in October.

It will be held days before Christmas, on 21st December 2023.

Cooper: Ward needs strong representation at County Hall
Posting on social media, Mr Cooper said the ward needed strong representation at County Hall, the home of the Isle of Wight council, and believed he could do that.

He said,

“My representation would be driven by community needs, business support to reinvigorate our town, public engagement meetings and always with the focus on you, the resident and the vulnerable in our community.”

Mr Cooper has previously stood for the Isle of Wight council, representing the Labour Party, in 2017 and 2021 and finished fourth and third respectively.

Tory candidate
The Isle of Wight Conservatives has also announced its candidate for the by-election as local businessman, Ed Blake.

Submit your nomination
Those wishing to stand have until Friday, 24th November 2023 at 4pm to submit their nomination papers to County Hall.

Article edit
8pm 15th Nov 2023 – Photo of Steve Cooper added

This article is from the BBC’s LDRS (Local Democracy Reporter Service) scheme, which News OnTheWight is taking part in. Some alterations and additions may have been made by OnTheWight. Ed

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