There has been a lot of talk about Permaculture in recent months (and years) on the Island, but if you have no idea what it actually means, why not book this date into your diary?
On Sunday 16th December there will be a meeting of the Ventnor branch of the Permaculture Group.
At the meeting, Ken will be doing an ‘Introduction to Permaculture’ talk with a question and answer session after, so this will be a great opportunity for anyone who wants to learn more about permanent culture.
They are a very friendly bunch, the youngest member is 17, the oldest is retired and they have all ages in between. Permaculture is relevant to any size garden, from window boxes to stately homes.
Venue: The Ventnor Community Project, No 1 Albert Street, Ventnor.
Contact details: Call Ken on 854968 or email ventnorpermaculture(at)yahoo(dot)co(dot)uk