Ventnor Business Association To Bid For Portas Pilot Funding

As we mentioned earlier in the month, members of the Ventnor Business Association are currently pulling together a bid for funding from the Portas Pilot scheme.

They are among hundreds of towns across the country who will be bidding to become a Portas Pilot Town and pocket up to £100,000 to rejuvenate the economy of their towns.

A total of twelve towns will take a share of £1m of Government money if they can show strong leadership, commitment, innovation and potential for improvement.

Pump prime the local economy
Anne Noon is at the helm of pulling Ventnor’s bid together with the help of other local businesses.

Without going into too much detail (we don’t want to give some of the great ideas), Anne told VB, “Our strategy is to take Ventnor forward into the 21st century.

“A series of events will be designed to pump prime the economy and improve trade throughout the year.

“That’s our main motivation.”

Best of luck to the team, we’ll let you know if they’re successful.

Image: WE jackson under CC BY 2.0