Ventnor Skate Park Closure: £60,000 Breakdown: Where Is It?

Ventnor Skate Park Closure: £60,000 Breakdown As you will have read earlier in the week on VentnorBlog, the Isle of Wight Council have informed Ventnor Town Council that they’ve estimated that it will take approx. £60,000 to take on the project of completing the renovations of the Ventnor Skate Park and maintaining it.

The group involved with the renovation had estimated that it would take about £6-7k at the most to complete the project and in fact had a quote from a concerned skater whose in the construction game of £800 on Tuesday night to finish the concreting of the initial section.

We’re sure you’ll agree that these are quite different figures to the £60,000 being bandied about by the Council.

Naturally, we asked the press office if we could have a breakdown of this vast figure. We did this yesterday afternoon thinking that it would be a simple request and we’d get a swift reply.

Surely the final figure of £60k wasn’t plucked out of the air, so a breakdown must be on record somewhere and easy enough to cut and paste from a spreadsheet?

So, given this assumption, we’re wondering why the press office couldn’t let us have the figures yesterday. It’s a simple request that should result in a simple answer.

We’ve been told that we can expect the figures later today, so once we receive them, we’ll let you know.

If you have a comment to make about the future of the Ventnor Skate Park, please add your comment to the post Ventnor Skate Park To Be Closed? Updated